Outcome of the Staff Extraordinary AUSA Meeting 06 June 2022

The African Union Staff Association would like to thank you once again for making our campaign this morning a great success in framing our common position on the ongoing Institutional Reform of the African Union.
Your attendance in large numbers and interest during the meeting reflects our common determination to promote, defend and protect the rights, to advance the goals and objectives of staff welfare. In the light of the mutual concerns and powerful consensual interventions, the following decisions were made:
- Staff are, from now on, on a dispute mode with regards to the implementation of the AU Institutional Reform processes;
- The Reform processes are on hold until agreement is secured on long-standing and protracted issues unresolved by the management of the Commission and all instances dealing with the Reform Processes;
- The AUSA is mandated and empowered to undertake actions to protect and defend the rights of staff beyond the simple communication to management through Inter-office Memorandums. In this regard, the AUSA is instructed to engage a lawyer to safeguard the rights of staff at each and every step of the Reform processes.
Going forward, the AUSA plans to undertake the following actions:
- a) Request a meeting with the AUC Chairperson to table the concerns of staff and seek guidance on the way forward. The key message is putting on hold of the reform processes and the need for an extraordinary meeting between the Chairperson and all the staff of the Commission;
- b) Organize series of meetings with members of the PRC to present the staff position on the reform processes and inform them about the pausing of the processes because of pending staff issues;
- c) Organize the second extraordinary staff meeting on Friday 10 June 2022 to report on the progress and collectively strategize on the way forward based on the outcome of the consultations.
Staff underlined that time has come to give a real sense to the essence of the African Union that is to place people at the center of the transformative agenda of the continent as encapsulated in its Constitutive Act and the 2010 staff Regulations and Rules.