Transmission of the response of the leadership on staff concerns regarding the ongoing reform process, including the SAC

The African Union Staff Association is in receipt of an Inter-office Memorandum
CDCP/A02/5087.22 dated 20 June 2022 as well as CDCP/A02/5096.22 dated 24 June 2022 (attached for your information) in response to our Interoffice Memorandums dated 6 June 2022 and 13 June 2022 on the ongoing Institutional Reform Process and precisely the implementation of the Skill Audit and Competency Assessment (SACA).
Although the correspondences mark an important signal of the Management awareness and engagement in providing comprehensive and detailed responses to staff concerns, the Staff Association notes with concern the absence of parallelism of competence in the drafting of this important administrative correspondence whose signatory, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Cabinet of the Deputy Chairperson is not a competent authority by virtue of the Staff Regulations and Rules.
Going forward, the Staff Association will now engage in an extensive consultation process with Staff for feedback on the content of the memo (Ref: CDCP/A02/5096.22 dated 24 June 2022) and decide on the next steps.
The purpose of this memo, therefore, is to transmit the response of the Leadership on staff concerns regarding the ongoing reform process, including the Skills Audit and Competency Assessment (SACA)