Outcome of the Staff Extraordinary AUSA Meeting 06 June 2022

On 7th July 2022, through “Update” memo, the Management issued a memo making reference to several AU Reform/SACA parameters that were scheduled to be presented to the EXCO meeting during the MYCM, 2022.
On the 15th July 2022, in Zambia, Lusaka, EXCO considered the progress report on the implementation of the Transition Plan. As expected EXCO focused on the guiding principles that should underpin the Institutional Reform. Chief among these were: transparency, judicious and humane approach, fairness and inclusiveness. Pursuant to the overwhelming support enjoyed by the progress report on implementation of the Transition Plan, and given that EXCO adopted the Decisions on AU Reforms optimism abounds. While positive sparks are flicking, the Dispute declared by Staff on the 6th June 2022 remains in full force until the Lusaka Summit Decisions are translated into actionable undertakings.
What is expected post Zambia Summit, 2022
- The response of the Commission to the concerns of the Staff as contained in the “Update” memo issued on the 7th July 2022, the outcome of MYCM, 2022, particularly the AU Reform Decisions, altogether will be presented and explained by the Management during the Town Hall already scheduled to take place on the 19th July 2022.
- Subsequently, the Commission is expected to take lead the exercise of translation of EXCO Decisions on AU Reform into Transition Guidelines
- Transition and Change Management ad-hoc Committees, for Communication, Dispute Resolution, Evaluation of cases of Staff performing duties above their grades.
Once the Exco Decisions and Guidelines put in place, AUSA will push for humane implementation of these instruments. This includes securing legal advisory support to ensure AUSA advances legally sound and solid Staff matters as per the resolution of Staff meeting both on the 6th June 2022 (in from of Mandela Hall) and 10th June 2022 (Multipurpose Hall)